Ass. Sanguisorbo officinalis-Salicetum rosmarinifoliae Taran 1993, middle Ob, Surgut city vicinities. G.Taran. Ass. Carici aquatilis-Salicetum lapponum Taran 1993, the close-up, ibid. V.Tyurin. An area of Carici aquatilis-Salicetum lapponum stands can amount to several hectares. Ibid. V.Tyurin. Ass. Salicetum triandro-viminalis Lohm. 1952, the stand in thicket stage. Ibid, V.Tyurin. Up to 20-25 years, Salicetum triandro-viminalis stands reach up its maximum height 14-15 m. Ibid. G.Taran. A stand of ass. Phalaroido-Salicetum albae Denisova ex Taran 1999 in upper Ob floodplain. I.Smelyanskiy. After lingering floods Salix alba stems are covered with the skirts of additional roots. Lower Ob floodplain. G.Taran.
Old trees of Salix alba can reach up 1-1.5 m in diameter. Upper Ob floodplain. I.Smelyanskiy. In floodplains of steppe zone, Populus alba L. was mostly extirpated. Ass. Heracleo dissecti-Populetum albae Taran 1997, middle Aley floodplain. I.Makunin. In Aley floodplain, little plots with (co-)dominating of Populus alba remain only on billowy lands (Heracleo dissecti-Populetum albae), ibid. I.Makunin. Ass. Crataego sanguineo-Populetum tremulae Taran 2000 is spread in the vicinities of settl. Elizarovo, lower Ob floodplain. G.Taran. A stand of the same association on the inside. Ibid. G.Taran. Asp forest (ass. Spiraeo salicifoliae-Populetum tremulae Taran 1993). Middle Ob floodplain, Surgut city vicinities. V.Tyurin. The same stand, typical type of herbage with dominating Sanguisorba officinalis.
As a result of swamping, it is observed abundant growing up green mosses (Polytrichum commune), the same stand. V.Tyurin. In some places of high floodplain ridges, scotspine forests survive. Pinus sylvestris-Sanguisorba officinalis community, Surgut city vicinities. G.Taran. Mature poplar forest of ass. Equiseto hyemalis-Populetum nigrae Taran 1997. Upper Ob floodplain. O.Kosterin.

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