As a result of drying, bank mud splits up the typical polygons. V.Tyurin. |
On the top of a flood, rapid whirlpools create similar erosion hollows. Middle Ob floodplain, Surgut vicinities. V.Tyurin. |
Typical view of the newest riverine zone: ribbons of young osier forests and clumps of pioneer species. Ibid. V.Tyurin. |
Mentha arvensis is one of the typical pioneer species. Ibid. V.Tyurin. |
Another view of the newest riverine zone with Rorippa amphibia and Arctophila fulva in the foreground. Ibid. V.Tyurin. |
Salicetum triandro-viminalis's stands on a flood recession. Ibid. V.Tyurin. |
A wetting in the central zone of an island. Upper Ob floodplain. I.Smelyanskiy. |
The combination of Phalaridetum arundinaceae's grasslands and osier forests is typical for ripe areas of riverine zone. Middle Ob floodplain. V.Tyurin. |
Typical view from Ob island. Middle Ob floodplain. V.Tyurin. |
Typical view of Ob island central zone with combination of shrubby osier-bed and tall sedge fens and meadows. Surgut city vicinities. G.Taran. |
The same place, a view along a channel. G.Taran. |
Typical combination near terrace above Ob floodplain: tall sedge fens, Salix lapponum stands and ribbon of low birch swampy forest (Betula pubescens). Surgut city vicinities. V.Tyurin. |
Typical view of holocene terrace: lazy channel with brown water, thick and narrow ribbons of asp and birch forests and impassable hummocks outside. Lower Ob, G.Taran. |
Species composition of wet earth roads can be very motley. Middle Ob floodplain, Surgut vicinities. V.Tyurin. |
In pebbly floodplain of middle Charysh river, poplar forests (Populus laurifolia, P.nigra) are dominating stands. I.Makunin. |
Middle Charysh floodplain is accompanied by roundish hills. I.Makunin. |
Cyperus fuscus community (yellowish strip) on the muddy bank of middle Aley. I.Makunin. |
Floodplain views and relief forms |
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