Gueorgui Taran's publications |
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1. Taran G.S. (1989) Coleanthus subtilis in middle Ob' floodplain. Abstracts of scientific conference “Study, preservation and rational use of natural resources. Part 1. Ufa. P. 64. (in Russian)
2. Taran G.S. (1990) Successional changes of the vegetation in middle Ob' floodplain under free meandering. Abstracts of scientific and practical conference “Human and water”. Tomsk. P. 138-141. (in Russian) 3. Taran G.S., Dymina G.D. (1990) Yearly variability of herb communities on the floodplain of the middle Ob'. Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Akademii Nauk USSR. Ser. of Biol. Sci. Issue 2. P. 85-92. (in Russian, English summary) 4. Taran G.S. (1991) On characterization of vegetation spatial structure in middle Ob' floodplain. Abstracts of scientific conference “Flora and vegetation of Siberia and Far East”. Krasnoyarsk. P. 130-132. (in Russian) 5. Taran G.S. (1993a) Syntaxonomy of middle Ob' floodplain vegetation (Aleksandrovskiy piece). I. Forests and shrubs. Issued by All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information. VINITI, Moscow. Man. N 889-V93. 76 p. (in Russian) 6. Taran G.S. (1993b) On syntaxonomy of Black Irtysh flood-plain ephemerous vegetation // Sib. J. of Biol. N 5. P. 79-84. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 179 Kb (draft) 7. Taran G.S. (1993c) Syntaxonomical survey of shrub vegetation of middle Ob' floodplain (Aleksandrovskoye piece) // Sib. J. of Biol. N 6. P. 79-84. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 220 Kb (draft) 8. Taran G.S. (1993d) Syntaxonomical survey of forest vegetation of middle Ob' floodplain (Aleksandrovskoye piece) // Sib. J. of Biol. N 6. P. 85-91. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 195 Kb (draft) 9. Taran G.S. (1994a) Syntaxonomy of middle Ob' floodplain vegetation (Aleksandrovskiy piece). I. Aquatic macrophyte and annual communities. Issued by All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information. VINITI, Moscow. Man. N 816-V94. 50 p. (in Russian) 10. Taran G.S. (1994b) Flood-plain ephemeretum of middle Ob' - a new class for Siberia, Isoeto-Nanojuncetea Br.-Bl. et Tx. 1943 on the northern border of expansion // Sib. J. of Ecol. V.1. N 6. P. 578-582. (English version, draft, PDF, 110 Kb) 11. Taran G.S. (1995a) Syntaxonomy of meadow and fen vegetation of middle Ob' floodplain (within the limits of Aleksandrovskiy region of Tomsk oblast). Novosibirsk, Central Siberian Botanical Garden of SB RAS. 76 p. (in Russian) PDF, 785 Kb 12. Taran G.S. (1995b) A little known vegetation class of the former USSR - flood-plain ephemeretum (Isoeto-Nanojuncetea Br.-Bl. et Tx. 43) // Sib. J. of Ecol. V. 2. N 4. P. 372-380. (in English) PDF, 150 Kb (draft) 13. Taran G.S. (1995c) Rare floodplain ephemerous communities within the territory of West Siberia // Abstracts of 1st Russian scientific conference “Problems of study of Siberia vegetation cover.” Tomsk. P. 128-130. (in Russian) 14. Taran G.S. (1996a) Flora and vegetation of middle Ob' floodplain (within the limits of Aleksandrovsky region of Tomsk oblast). Thesis. Novosibirsk. 17 p. (in Russian) 15. Taran G.S. (1996b) Floodplain communities // Green book of Siberia: rare and requiring protection plants communities. Novosibirsk. P. 296-305, 310-326. (in Russian) 16. Korolyuk A.Yu., Lashchinskiy N.N., Taran G.S. (1996) On the development of system of particularly reserved natural territories of Altaian kraj // Botanical Investigations of Siberia and Kazakhstan. Issue 2. Barnaul. P. 112-125. (in Russian) 17. Taran G.S. (1997a) On syntaxonomy of poplar forests of Ob' and Irtysh basin // Botanical Investigations of Siberia and Kazakhstan. Issue 3. Barnaul. P. 70-76. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 215 Kb (draft) 18. Taran G.S. (1997b) New syntaxa from middle Ob' floodplain // Botanical Investigations of Siberia and Kazakhstan. Issue 3. Barnaul. P. 76-78. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 164 Kb (draft) 19. Taran G.S. (1998a) Middle Ob' floodplain flora as balance multitude // Readings on memory of Yu.A.L’vov: Materials of 2nd inter-regional ecological conference. Tomsk. P. 54-55. (in Russian) 20. Taran G.S. (1998b) Syntaxonomical features of middle Ob' floodplain vegetation // Problems of botany on a frontier between XX and XXI centuries. Abstracts of 2nd (10th) congress of RBS. Sankt-Peterburg. P. 311-312. (in Russian) 21. Taran G.S. (1998c) Asp and birch forests of middle Ob' floodplain (Spiraeo salicifoliae-Populetum tremulae Taran 1993) // Botanical Investigations of Siberia and Kazakhstan. Issue 4. Barnaul. P. 82-89. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 886 Kb 22. Taran G.S. (1998d) Essay of the vegetation of the west part of Elizarovsky reserve // Biological Resources and Nature Use. Nizhnevartovsk. Issue 2. P. 22-39. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 250 Kb (draft) 23. Taran G.S. (1998e) Finds of Cypero-Limoselletum (Oberd. 1957) Korneck 1960 in the floodplains of the lower Ob' and lower Irtysh // Biological Resources and Nature Use. Nizhnevartovsk. Issue 2. P. 72-78. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 187 Kb (draft) 24. Korolyuk A.Yu., Lashchinskiy N.N., Taran G.S. (1998) On the development of system of particularly reserved natural territories of Altaian kraj // Preservation of animate nature. Issue 1(9). Nizhniy Novgorod. P. 62-65. (in Russian) 25. Red Book of Novosibirsk Oblast: Plants. (1998) Novosibirsk, Nauka. P. 68, 84-86. (in Russian) [Items: Lindernia procumbens L. (Scrophulariaceae), Scirpus lateriflorus J.F.Gmel. (Cyperaceae), Middendorfia borysthenica (Bieb. ex Schrank) Trautv., Peplis alternifolia Bieb. (Lythraceae)] (in Russian) 26. Taran G.S. (1999) Willow forests of Ob' floodplain between mouths of Tym and Vakh Rivers (Salicetea purpureae Moor 1958) // Botanical Investigations of Siberia and Kazakhstan. Issue 5. Barnaul. P. 47-56. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 298 Kb (draft) 27. Taran G.S. (2000a) Essay of the vegetation of the eastern part of Elizarovsky zakaznik (lower Ob' river) // Biological Resources and Nature Use. Nizhnevartovsk. Issue 3. P. 3-23. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 285 Kb (draft) 28. Taran G.S. (2000b) Ob floodplain wetland vegetation diversity within the limits of middle taiga zone // Abstracts of 5th All-Russia conference on aquatic plants “Hydrobotany 2000”. Borok. P. 221. (in Russian) 29. Sedelnikova N.V., Taran G.S. (2000) The main characteristics of the lichenoflora of the Elizarovskiy zakaznik (lower Ob' River) // Krylovia. Vol. 2. N 1. P. 46-53. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 189 Kb (draft) 30. Taran G.S., Tyurin V.N. (2000) On the characteristics of the flora and vegetation of Ob' floodplain in vicinities of Surgut town // Problems of studying of plant cover of Siberia. Abstracts of the 2nd Russian scientific conference. Tomsk. P. 140-141. (in Russian) 31. Pisarenko O.Yu., Taran G.S. (2001) Bryophyta of the Elizarovskiy zakaznik (lower Ob' River) // Krylovia. Vol. 3. N 2. P. 88-98. (in Russian, English summary, PDF, 227 Kb (draft) 32. Taran G.S. (2001) Association Cypero-Limoselletum (Oberd. 1957) Korneck 1960 (Isoeto-Nanojuncetea) in middle Ob River floodplain // Vegetation of Russia. N 1. P.43-56 (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 652 Kb 33. Makarova I. I., Taran G. S. & Tyurin V. N. (2002) Lichens of Surgut city surrounding (Tyumen oblast, Western Siberia) // News of taxonomy of lower plants. Vol. 36, pp. 150-161. (in Russian) PDF, 202 Kb (draft) 34. Taran G. (2003) Iso¸to-Nanojuncetea communities in West Siberia and East Kazakhstan. In: Water resources and Vegetation. Abstracts 46th Symposium of the International Association of Vegetation Science (June 8-14, 2003, Napoli, Italy). University of Camerino. Camerino. P. 220. 35. Sinelnikova N.V. & Taran G.S. (2003) Find of association Cypero-Limoselletum (Oberd. 1957) Korneck 1960 (Isoeto-Nanojuncetea) in Magadan region, Russian Far East // Vegetation of Russia. N 4. P.90-92. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 533 Kb 36. Red Book of Khanty-Mansiyskiy Autonomous Territory: Animals, Plants, Fungi. Ekaterinburg, 2003. 376 p. Items: Coleanthus subtilis (p.250), Lysimachia nummularia (p.336), Potamogeton trichoides (p.343). (in Russian) 37. Bakalin V.A., Taran G.S. (2004) The genus Riccia (Hepaticae) in Siberia and the East Kazakhstan // Bot. Zhurnal. Vol.89. N 8. Pp.1283-1294. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 350 Kb (draft) 38. Taran G.S., Sedelnikova N.V., Pisarenko O.Yu. & Golomolzin V.V. (2004) Flora and vegetation of the Elizarovskiy state preserve (lower Ob River). Novosibirsk: Nauka. 212 p. (in Russian) The book TEXT (icluding raster vegetation map, 1:200000): (PDF, 2,1 Mb); illustrations of the book (at a separate page); the book front cover 112 Kb, back cover 128 Kb. 39. Kataeva O.A., Makarova I.I., Taran G.S. & Tyurin V.N. (2005) Lichens of Ob’ river floodplain in the surroundings of Surgut city (Tyumen’ region, Western Siberia) // News of taxonomy of lower plants. Vol. 38, pp. 186-199. (in Russian) PDF, 310 Kb 40. Taran G.S. (2005a) Flora of Vakh-Tym segment of Ob river floodplain // Biological resources and nature use. Surgut. Issue 8. P.3-27. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 320 Kb 41. Taran G.S. (2005b) New association of floodplain ephemeral vegetation – Rorippo dogadovae-Limoselletum aquaticae ass.nov. (Isoëto-Nanojuncetea) // Biological resources and nature use. Surgut. Issue 8. P.66-72. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 220 Kb 42. Taran G.S. (2005c) Find of ass. Riccio cavernosae-Physcomitrelletum (Barbuletea unguiculatae) in lower Irtysh floodplain // Biological resources and nature use. Surgut. Issue 8. P.154-159. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 300 Kb (draft) 43. Taran G.S., Pisarenko O.Y., Tyurin V.N. (2005) Bryoflora of Ob floodplain in Surgut city vicinities in space of Braun-Blanquet classification syntaxa // Biological resources and nature use. Surgut. Issue 8. P.32-65. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 890 Kb (draft) 44. Taran G.S., Tyurin V.N. (2005) Rare phytocoenoses of Ob river floodplain – ass. Lemno-Sagittarietum natantis ass.nov. (Potametea) // Biological resources and nature use. Surgut. Issue 8. P.160-162. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 210 Kb 45. Taran G. S. (2005d) On syntaxonomy of floodplain forests (Salicetea purpureae Moor 1958) of the Irtysh and Black Irtysh rivers // Vegetation of Russia. N 7. P.82-92. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 500 Kb 46. Kataeva O.A., Makarova I.I., Taran G.S., Tyurin V.N. (2005) Some new and interesting lichens for Tyumen region and Western Siberia // News of taxonomy of lower plants. Vol.39. P.188-202. (in Russian) PDF, 210 Kb 47. Taran G.S. (2006) On the lichenological features of the willow forests in the Volga delta // Samarskaya Luka: Bul. 2006. N 17. P.152-155. (in Russian) 48. Sinelnikova N.V., Taran G.S. (2006) Bank vegetation (Isoëto-Nanojuncetea, Phragmito-Magnocaricetea) of the Kolyma River upper reaches, Russian Far East // Vegetation of Russia. N 9. P.58-68. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 536 Kb 49. Taran G.S., Laktionov A.P. (2006) Association Dichostylidi-Heleochloetum alopecuroidis (Tímár 1950) Pietsch 1973 (Isoëto-Nanojuncetea) in Volga river delta // Vegetation of Russia. N 9. P.69-75. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 507 Kb 50. Taran G.S., Tyurin V.N. (2006a) Review of the Ob floodplain vegetation near Surgut city // Biological resources and nature use. Surgut. Issue 9. P.3-54. (in Russian, English summary) 51. Taran G.S., Tyurin V.N. (2006b) Flora of Ob river floodplain near Surgut city // Biological resources and nature use. Surgut. Issue 9. P.55-79. (in Russian, English summary) 52. Taran G.S., Kazanovskiy S.G., Muldiyarov E.Ya. (2006) Bryoflora of Vakh-Tym section of the Ob river floodplain in space of plant communities // Biological resources and nature use. Surgut. Issue 9. P.80-108. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 570 Kb (draft) 53. Taran G.S., Nozhinkov A.E. (2007) On the bryoflora of the upper Ob floodplain forests and meadows (Altai Territory) // Botanical Investigations of Siberia and Kazakhstan. Issue 13. Kemerovo. P.86-88. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 500 Kb 54. Taran G.S., Silantieva M.M., Shibanova A.A. (2007) Floristic records in floodplains of the Ob river and its tributaries (Altai Territory) // Bot. Zhurnal. Vol.92. N 11. P.1763-1768. 55. Zolotov D.V., Taran G.S. (2008a) New data concerning distribution of higher vascular plant species at the Altai Territory // Botanical Investigations of Siberia and Kazakhstan. Kemerovo. Issue 14. P.13-19. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 93 Kb 56. Taran G.S. (2008) Aquatic vegetation (Lemnetea, Potametea) of the Ob river floodplain (within the limits of Aleksandrovskiy district of Tomsk region) // Vegetation of Russia. N 12. P.68-75. PDF, 400 Kb 57. Zolotov D.V., Taran G.S. (2008b) Floristic records in Altai Territory // Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. Biological series. Vol.113. Part 3. P.83-84. (in Russian) PDF, 250 Kb (draft) 58. Taran G.S., Bakalin V.A. (2008) A record of Riccia beyrichiana Hampe (Hepaticae) in Siberia // Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. Biological series. Vol.113. Part 3. P.85. (in Russian) PDF, 250 Kb (draft) 59. Taran G.S., Saodatova R.Z. (2008) On characterization of floodplain ephemeral vegetation of lower Irtish river // Bulletin of the Main Botanical Garden. Issue 194. P.94-101. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 350 Kb (draft) 60. Nozhinkov A.E., Taran G.S. (2008) On bryoflora of the Ob river floodplain in the Bystroistokskiy district of the Altai Territory. - Tomsk State University Journal of Biology. N 3(4). P.35-41. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 255 Kb; Summary (txt) 61. Taran G.S. (2008b) Floristic records in Novosibirsk region // Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. Biological series. 2008b. Vol. 113. Part 6. P.65. (in Russian) PDF, 180 Kb 62. Red book of Novosibirsk region: animals, plants and mushrooms. 2nd edition. Novosibirsk: Arta, 2008. 528 p. (in Russian) (P.348, 369, 370, 413) 63. Taran G.S. (2009a) Floodplain ephemeral vegetation of Ob and Irtish rivers near Khanty-Mansiysk town // Vestnik of OSU [Orenburg State University]. 2009a. N 2. P.108-110. (in Russian) PDF, 500 Kb; Summary (txt) 64. Taran G.S. (2009b) Ivnyaki i berezovo-kustarnikovyye bolota s Salix rosmarinifolia L. na Vakh-Tymskom otrezke poymy Obi // Vestnik Orenburg. Gos. Univ. N 4. P.98-103. Orenburg. (in Russian) [Taran G.S. (2009b) Willow-shrubs and birch-shrub bogs with Salix rosmarinifolia L. on Vakh-Tym section of Ob river floodplain // Bulletin of Orenburg State University. No.4. P.98-103. Orenburg. (in Russian)] PDF, 237 Kb; Summary and corrections (txt) 65. Dyachenko A.P., Taran G.S. (2011) On bryoflora of the Ob River floodplain forests in south taiga subzone. - Tomsk State University Journal of Biology. N 3(15). P.75–91. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 414 Kb 66. Taran G.S. (2011) G.D.Dymina. Classification, dynamics and ontogeny of phytocoenoses (on the examples of regions of Siberia) (Novosibirsk: NSPU Press, 2010. 213 p. – Tomsk State University Journal of Biology. N 4(16). P.185–196. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 585 Kb 67. Dyachenko A.P., Taran G.S. (2012) On the Ob River floodplain forests bryoflora in the northern forest-steppe subzone. – Tomsk State University Journal of Biology. N 4(20). P.93–104. (in Russian, English summary) PDF, 345 Kb 68. Taran G.S., Tyurin V.N. (2012) Association Carici aquatilis–Juncetum brachyspathi ass. nov. from the Ob River floodplain. – Rastitel'nyj Mir Aziatskoj Rossii. No.2(10). P.127–131. PDF, 380 Kb |