Photos from 11th congress of Russian Botanical Society in Novosibirsk (18-20.08.2003)
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11th congress of Russian Botanical Society took place 18-22.08.2003 in Novosibirsk and Barnaul:
18.08 - registration and plenary session;
19.08 - sections sessions;
20.08 - move to Barnaul city.
Photos made in Novosibirsk given below.

1.Registration and relations: 1 (72 Kb), 2 (63 Kb), 3 (59 Kb), 4 (61 Kb), 5 (58 Kb), 6 (63 Kb), 7 (57 Kb).

2.Botanists in groups: 8 (40 Kb), 9 (64 Kb), 10 (61 Kb), 11 (32 Kb), 12 (58 Kb), 13 (61 Kb).

3.Botanists separately: 14 (30 Kb), 15 (20 Kb),

4.Near book stalls: 16 (49 Kb), 17 (58 Kb), 18 (76 Kb), 19 (64 Kb).

5.Session of geobotany section: 19b (66 Kb), or larger (115 Kb); 20 (66 Kb), or larger (113 Kb); 21 (73 Kb), or larger (125 Kb).

6.Geobotany section during coffee breakes: 22 (57 Kb), 23 (54 Kb), 24 (62 Kb)

7.General photo of the section geobotanists (alas, far from all ones): 25 (76 Kb), or larger (131 Kb)

8.The move to Barnaul city: 26 (84 Kb), 27 (94 Kb), 28 (87 Kb).

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