Summaries of selected Gueorgui Taran's papers (1990-1998d)
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3. Taran G.S., Dymina G.D. (1990) Yearly variability of herb communities on the floodplain of the middle Ob'. Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Akademii Nauk USSR. Ser. of Biol. Sci. Issue 2. P. 85-92. (in Russian)
SUMMARY. The variation of the species composition and the herbage structure in meadow and fen communities was studied during two years with different inundation levels (the security of the levels 50 and 80 %). A correlation was found between the position of a phytocoenosis in the mesorelief and its variation. In the years with low flood, the height of the main herbage mass and the total cover degree decreased distinctly in mesophyte and hygromesophyte communities (herb and grass meadows) growing on floodplain grivas. The height of the main herbage mass and the total cover degree increased in the mesohygrophyte communities (sedge meadows and fens) growing in spacious flood-plain depressions. The projective cover degree of the mesohygrophytes and hydrophytes increased in shallow constant flood-plain ponds. Sparse mesohygrophyte groupings are condensed by the dense and low layer of the explerent species in closed drying hollows. The communities of the fens and flood-plain ponds are the most stable in their species and ecological composition, those of the reserved drying hollows are the most changeable. In latter case the species saturation changes two-fold and more. Tables 3, bibl. 9 names.

6. Taran G.S. (1993b) On syntaxonomy of Black Irtysh flood-plain ephemerous vegetation // Sib. J. of Biol. 5. P. 79-84. (in Russian)
SUMMARY. In Black Irtysh flood-plain (East Kazakhstan), a new association of dwarf rush vegetation was described: Marisco hamulosi-Crypsidetum schoenoidis ass.nov. (Isoeto-Nanojuncetea Br.-Bl. et Tx. 1943, Cyperetalia fusci Pietsch 1963, Elatini-Eleocharition ovatae Pietsch 1965). Its diagnostic species are Crypsis schoenoides, Mariscus hamulosus, Middendorfia borysthenica, Spergularia diandra. Besides, it differs from dwarf rush communities of Central Europe by the presence of Juncus sphaerocarpus, Marsilea aegyptiaca, Rumex simulans, Lythrum linifolium. Probable areal of the association is floodplains of big East-European and Middle-Asian rivers of semidesert and steppe zones: from Black Irtysh to lower Danube. For the complete life cycle of Marisco-Crypsietum communities, 5-6 weeks are sufficient. Vascular coenoflora of the association includes 62 species of 45 genera and 20 families, out of wich 27 species are annual plants, 4 annual or biennal, 1 biennal, 26 herbaceous perennial and 4 arboreous plants (seedlings). Besides, two species of liverworts and one species of Xanthophyta were found. Table 1, bibl. 15 names.

7. Taran G.S. (1993c) Syntaxonomical survey of shrub vegetation of middle Ob' floodplain (Aleksandrovskoye piece) // Sib. J. of Biol. 6. P. 79-84. (in Russian)
SUMMARY. Detailed investigation of middle Ob' floodplain in the boundaries of Aleksandrovskiy region of Tomsk oblast was carried out in 1986-1991. Aleksandrovskiy regions piece is between mouths of Obs tributaries Tym and Vakh in the middle taiga zone and has the lenth of about 240 km.
In the Aleksandrovskiy piece plant cover, the share of shrub vegetation is equal to 11.4%. It is mostly shrub bog communities of Alnetea glutinosae Br.-Bl. et Tx. 1943, Salicetalia auritae Doing 1962 em. Westh. 1969, Salicion cinereae Muller et Gors 1958: ass. Carici aquatilis-Salicetum lapponum Taran 1993, ass. Carici juncellae-Salicetum rosmarinifoliae Korolyuk et Taran in Taran 1993, ass. Sanguisorbo officinalis-Salicetum rosmarinifoliae Taran 1993, ass. Salicetum pentandro-cinereae Passarge 1961.
Ass. Sanguisorbo officinalis-Salicetum rosmarinifoliae is the most mesophilous one. Peat accumulation is always absent in its stands. That is why it is ranked to Alnetea conditionally. The association is spread on parts of modern and ancient meandering of holocene terrace arms. Its stands are already formed on central zone grivas* (*=ridges) of riverside floodplain segments instead of Molinietalias meadows. Untill the griva surface is raising because of sedimentation, Sanguisorbo-Salicetums stand is little by little replaced by a birch stand of Spiraeo salicifoliae-Populetum tremulae franguletosum alni Taran 1993. After separation of the floodplain segment from the channel, the direction of the Sanguisorbo-Salicetum successional development is changed towards ass. Carici juncellae-Salicetum rosmarinifoliae.
In middle taiga zone, the latter is represented by subass. C.j.-S.r. spiraeetosum salicifoliae Taran 1993. It is spread both on ancient meandering parts and main surface of holocene terrace. In the latter case, it can form spacious massives with an area of up to a few hundred square kilometers (the massif near village Prokhorkino). In the Carici juncellae-Salicetum rosmarinifoliae stands is usual peat layer about half-meter in thickness.
Stands of Salicetum pentandro-cinereae are mostly spread around cut-off lobes, both on peat and mineral soils. In Aleksandrovskiy pieces floodplain, the association is represented by var. Anemonidium dichotomum.
Stands of Carici aquatilis-Salicetum lapponum* (*= in original publication Carici aquatilis-Salicetum lapponi) are mostly spread on parts of ancient meandering of holocene terrace arms where they can form massives with area of several hectares. As compared with previous ones, stands of the association occupy the lowest ecological levels. Table 1, bibl. 11 names.

8. Taran G.S. (1993d) Syntaxonomical survey of forest vegetation of middle Ob' floodplain (Aleksandrovskoye piece) // Sib. J. of Biol. 6. P. 85-91. (in Russian)
SUMMARY. Detailed investigation of middle Ob' floodplain within the boundaries of Aleksandrovskiy region of Tomsk oblast was carried out in 1986-1991. Aleksandrovskiy regions piece is between mouths of Obs tributaries Tym and Vakh in the middle taiga zone and has the lenth of about 240 km.
In Aleksandrovskiy piece plant cover, the forest vegetation is represented by 4 associations of Salicetea purpureae Moor 1958 and 1 association of Brachypodio pinnati-Betuletea pendulae Ermakov, Korolyuk et Lashchinskiy-jr. 1991, Calamagrostio epigeii-Betuletalia pendulae Korolyuk in Ermakov et al. 1991. Near the Ob' channel where the connection between the relief heihgt and the frequency of flooding is the most clear-cut, the forest communities form the following ecological line: Salicetum triandro-viminalis Lohm. 1952 Salicetum dasycladi Taran 1993 Phalaroido-Salicetum albae calamagrostietosum langsdorffii Denisova in Iljina et. al. 1988 Anemonidio dichotomi-Populetum nigrae Taran 1993 and Spiraeo salicifoliae-Populetum tremulae typicum Taran 1993 Spiraeo salicifoliae-Populetum tremulae rosetosum acicularis Taran 1993. Subass. Spiraeo salicifoliae-Populetum tremulae franguletosum alni Taran 1993 as vicariant of Phalaroido-Salicetum albae calamagrostietosum and Anemonidio-Populetum nigrae is spread in meander belts of holocene terrace arms along terraces above the Ob' floodplain.
Ass. Spiraeo salicifoliae-Populetum tremulae Taran 1993 clearly belongs to Roso majalis-Betulion pendulae Iljina in Iljina et al. 1988. However, the alliance itself had an equivocal syntaxonomical position. Its belonging to Calamagrostio epigeii-Betuletalia pendulae was proved by the author. After the introduction of the Roso-Betulion into the Calamagrostio-Betuletalia, it was necessary to carry out a syntaxonomical correction. Filipendula ulmaria, Vicia cracca, Veronica longifolia were introduced into the diagnostic combination of the order Calamagrostio epigeii-Betuletalia pendulae. Swida alba, Lactuca sibirica, Lathyrus pilosus were introduced into the diagnostic combination of the alliance Roso majalis-Betulion pendulae as Galium boreale, Ranunculus repens, Equisetum sylvaticum were excluded from it. Table 1, bibl. 13 names.

11. Taran G.S. (1995a) Syntaxonomy of meadow and fen vegetation of middle Ob' floodplain (within the limits of Aleksandrovskiy region of Tomsk oblast). Novosibirsk, Central Siberian Botanical Garden of SB RAS. 76 p. (in Russian)
SUMMARY. The total classification of fen and meadow vegetation on the base of Braun-Blanquet approach is given in the monography. Prodromus of syntaxa includes 25 associations and 1 community of 3 vegetation classes: Phragmito-Magnocaricetea, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea and Scheuchzerio-Caricetea. As new for science, 5 associations and 8 subassociations are described. The ecology, relief position and successional connections of the widespread communities are defined. Critical analysis and revision of some high rank syntaxa is realized. 274 releves of the vegetation are given. Tables 25, bibl. 98 names.

12. Taran G.S. (1995b) A little known vegetation class of the former USSR - flood-plain ephemeretum (Isoeto-Nanojuncetea Br.-Bl. et Tx. 43) // Sib. J. of Ecol. V. 2. 4. P. 372-380. (in English)
SUMMARY. The position of the class in the A.P.Shennikov ecological-floristic classification and in the R.V.Kamelin florocenotype system is considered. Ecological attachment of communities, their seasonal dynamics, life form composition, predominant ways of pollination and dissemination are defined. Remarks on the method of description of flood-plain ephemetum communities are made. For the former USSR territory, a complete prodromus of class syntaxa comprising by now 9 associations and 1 community that are briefly defined is given. For West Siberia, the subassociations Cypero-Limoselletum (Oberd. 57) Korneck 60 scirpetosum lateriflori (94) subass. nov. and the community Androsace filiformis-Juncus bufonius are described. A review of literature of the former USSR is given, and the most important foreign references are indicated. Tables 2, bibl. 70 names.

17. Taran G.S. (1997a) On syntaxonomy of poplar forests of Ob' and Irtysh basin // Botanical Investigations of Siberia and Kazakhstan. Transactions of V.V.Sapozhnikov Herbarium. Issue 3. Barnaul. P. 70-76. (in Russian)
SUMMARY. In floodplains of Ob' and Irtysh basin, poplar forests are spread from semidesert zone to middle taiga one. The forests are considered as a new alliance of ecofloristic classification: Equiseto hyemalis-Populion nigrae all.nov. (Salicetea purpureae Moor 58) which unites 5 associations and 1 community. As new for science 4 associations (Eguiseto hyemalis-Populetum nigrae ass.nov., Heracleo dissecti-Populetum albae ass.nov., Viburno opuli-Populetum laurifoliae ass.nov., Rubio dolichophyllae-Populetum albae ass.nov.) and 5 subassociations are described. Differential table of the syntaxa and table of their nomenclatural types are brought. Table 2. Bibl. 18 names.

18. Taran G.S. (1997b) New syntaxa from middle Ob' floodplain // Botanical Investigations of Siberia and Kazakhstan. Transactions of V.V.Sapozhnikov Herbarium. Issue 3. Barnaul. P. 76-78. (in Russian)
SUMMARY. Drepanocladetum adunci ass. nov. (Fontinaletea antipyreticae) and Rumicetum ucranici ass. nov. (Bidentetea, Chenopodion rubri) are described from middle Ob' floodplain in boundaries of Aleksandrovsky region of Tomsk oblast. Also Agrostio stoloniferae-Equisetion arvensis all. nov. (Phragmito-Magnocaricetea, Oenanthetalia aquaticae) is described. The alliance unites bank communities of rhizome and stolon perennial explerents wich spread in Siberian and Ural floodplains in limits of taiga zone. Bibl. 10 names.

21. Taran G.S. (1998c) Asp and birch forests of middle Ob' floodplain (Spiraeo salicifoliae-Populetum tremulae Taran 1993) // Botanical Investigations of Siberia and Kazakhstan. Transactions of V.V.Sapozhnikov Herbarium. Issue 4. Barnaul. P. 82-89. (in Russian)
SUMMARY. Within the limits of Aleksandrovsky region of Tomsk oblast (that is between mouths of Ob's tributaries Tym and Vakh), moist asp and birch (Populus tremula, Betula pubescens) forests of middle Ob' floodplain belong to association Spiraeo salicifoliae-Populetum tremulae Taran 1993 (Roso majalis-Betulion pendulae Iljina in Iljina et al. 1988, Calamagrostio epigeii-Betuletalia pendulae Koroljuk in Ermakov et al. 1991, Brachypodio pinnati-Betuletea pendulae Ermakov, Koroljuk et Latchinsky 1991). Original regimen of flooding of the forests and syntaxonomic structure of the association are characterized. Subassociation S.s.-P.t. pinetosum sylvestris subass.nov. wich unites stands with participation of pine in tree layer (diagnostic species Pinus sylvestris, Populus nigra) is described. To characterize the association 51 releves are brought. Table 2, bibl. 14 names.

22. Taran G.S. (1998d) Essay of the vegetation of the west part of Elizarovsky reserve // Biological Resources and Nature Use. Nizhnevartovsk. Issue 2. P. 22-39. (in Russian)
SUMMARY. Elizarovsky state reserve is in lower Ob' floodplain between 61o35' and 61o08' north. In 1997 detail investigation of flora and vegetation of Elizarovsky reserve was began. 31 associations and 5 communities of 8 vegetation classes were found: Lemnetea (2 ass.), Potametea (5 ass.), IsoetoNanojuncetea (1 ass.), PhragmitoMagnocaricetea (17 ass., 1 comm.), MolinioArrhenatheretea (1 ass., 1 comm.), Salicetea purpureae (2 ass.), Brachypodio pinnatiBetuletea pendulae (3 ass., 2 comm.), VaccinioPiceetea (1 comm.). New north limits of spread in Siberia were ascertained for Lemnetum trisulcae, Stratiotetum aloidis, Myriophylletum verticillati, Nymphoidetum peltatae, Potametum compressi, Potametum perfoliati, CyperoLimoselletum, Rorippetum amphibiae, OenanthoRorippetum, AnemonidioSalicetum cinereae, Sanguisorbo officinalisSalicetum rosmarinifoliae. New south limit of spread was ascertained for Colpodietum fulvi, new east one for OenanthoRorippetum and Rorippetum amphibiae, new west limit for Sanguisorbo officinalisSalicetum rosmarinifoliae and CyperoLimoselletum coleanthetosum. As new for science, 3 associations and 1 subassociation were described: Myriophylletum sibirici ass. nov. (Potamion, Potametalia, Potametea), Eleocharito palustrisPtarmicetum cartilagineae ass. nov. (Oenanthion, Oenanthetalia, PhragmitoMagnocaricetea), Anemonidio dichotomiBetuletum pendulae ass. nov. (Roso majalisBetulion pendulae, Calamagrostio epigeiiBetuletalia pendulae, Brachypodio pinnatiBetuletea pendulae), Colpodietum fulvi Sambuk 1930 myriophylletosum sibirici subass. nov. (Phragmition, Phragmitetalia, PhragmitoMagnocaricetea). Table 1, bibl. 15 names.

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