Summaries of selected Gueorgui Taran's papers (1998e-2001) |
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23. Taran G.S. (1998e) Finds of Cypero-Limoselletum (Oberd. 1957) Korneck 1960 in the floodplains of the lower Ob' and lower Irtysh // Biological Resources and Nature Use. Nizhnevartovsk. Issue 2. P. 72-78. (in Russian)
SUMMARY. Stands of Cypero-Limoselletum (Isoeto-Nanojuncetea) were found in floodplains of lower Ob' (61o27' north) and lower Irtysh (60o59' north) in September of 1997. The stands belong to subassociations C.-L. coleanthetosum Taran 1994 and C.-L. rumicetosum ucranici Taran 1994 (var. Coleanthus subtilis). Vascular coenoflora of the stands includes 40 species: 12 ones of annuals, 5 – annual or biennial plants, 20 – herbaceous perennials and 3 – arboreous plants (seedlings of Salix spp.). Besides, 3 species of bryotherophytes were found. In the stands, summary constancy of annuals consists 41,5%, annual or biennial plants – 11,3%, herbaceous perennials – 40,3%, arboreous seedlings – 6,9%. Summary cover of annuals consists 95,7%, annual or biennial plants – 0,8%, herbaceous perennials – 3,0%, arboreous seedlings – 0,5%. In order to characterize the association 8 releves are brought. Table 1, bibl. 9 names. 26. Taran G.S. (1999) Willow forests of Ob' floodplain between mouths of Tym and Vakh Rivers (Salicetea purpureae Moor 1958) // Botanical Investigations of Siberia and Kazakhstan. Transactions of V.V.Sapozhnikov Herbarium. Issue 5. Barnaul. P. 47-56. (in Russian) SUMMARY. Willow forests of Ob' floodplain between mouths of Tym and Vakh Rivers belong to 3 associations of ecofloristic classification: Salicetum triandro-viminalis Lohm. 1952, Salicetum dasycladi Taran 1993 (Salicion triandrae Muller et Gors 1958) and Phalaroido-Salicetum albae Denisova ex Taran ass. nov. (Equiseto hyemalis-Populion nigrae Taran 1997). Species composition and changes of herb layer dominants are characterized on background of age succession of tree layer. Floristic peculiarities of colonisation of river banks by willows are looked in detail. Tables 3, bibl. 18 names. 27. Taran G.S. (2000a) Essay of the vegetation of the eastern part of Elizarovsky zakaznik (lower Ob' river) // Biological Resources and Nature Use. Nizhnevartovsk. Issue 3. P. 3-23. (in Russian) SUMMARY. Elizarovsky state zakaznik is in lower Ob' floodplain between 61o35' and 61o08' north, 67o30' and 68o15' east. In 1998 detail investigation of flora and vegetation of Elizarovsky zakaznik was continued. In its east part 44 associations and 5 communities of 11 vegetation classes were found: Lemnetea (5 ass.), Potametea (8 ass.), Isoeto-Nanojuncetea (1 ass., 1 comm.), Phragmito-Magnocaricetea (19 ass., 1 comm.), Molinio-Arrhenatheretea (1 ass., 1 comm.), Salicetea purpureae (3 ass.), Alnetea glutinosae (3 ass.), Brachypodio pinnati-Betuletea pendulae (3 ass.), Querco-Fagetea (1 comm.), Vaccinio-Piceetea (1 comm.), Hypnetea cupressiformis (1 ass.). As new ones for sciences, 3 associations and one alliance were described: Androsaco filiformis-Blasietum pusillae ass.nov. (Isoeto-Nanojuncetea), Carici juncellae-Betuletum pubescentis ass.nov. (Alnetea glutinosae), Roso majalis-Betulion pendulae Iljina ex Taran all.nov. and Crataego sanguineae-Populetum tremulae ass.nov. (Brachypodio pinnati-Betuletea pendulae). On the whole, 54 associations and 9 communities of 11 vegetation classes were revealed on Elizarovsky zakaznik territory during 1997-1998. 33 of the associations were showed for Khanty-Mansiysky district territory for the first time and 6 associations were described as new ones for sciences. Table 1, bibl. 17 names. 29. Sedelnikova N.V., Taran G.S. (2000) The main characteristics of the lichenoflora of the Elizarovskiy zakaznik (lower Ob' River) // Krylovia. V. 2. ¹ 1. P. 46-53. (in Russian) SUMMARY. For the first time the lichen flora of Elizarovskiy zakaznik was investigated. As a result of the performed investigations, the level of lichen biodiversity is represented by 167 species, 57 genera, 26 families and 9 orders. All species are new for the zakaznik. Bibl. 8 names. 31. Pisarenko O.Yu., Taran G.S. (2001) Bryophyta of the Elizarovskiy zakaznik (lower Ob' River) // Krylovia. V. 3. No.2. P. 88-98. (in Russian) SUMMARY. The Elizarovskiy zakaznik is in the lower Ob' floodplain between 61o35' and 61o08' north. 90 species of moss and 10 species of liverworts were revealed in the bryoflora of the Elizarovskiy zakaznik. All species are new for the zakaznik. The annotated list of the bryophyta and brief floristic analysis is given. Distribution of the bryophyta in the widespread plant communities is characterized. Tables 2, supplement 1, bibl. 12 names. 32. Taran G.S. (2001) Association Cypero-Limoselletum (Oberd. 1957) Korneck 1960 (Isoeto-Nanojuncetea) in middle Ob' River floodplain // Vegetation of Russia. V. 1. ¹ 1. P.43-56. (in Russian) SUMMARY. During 1988-1991 the stands of Cypero-Limoselletum (Oberd. 1957) Korneck 1960 were studied in the floodplain of middle Ob' River between its tributaries Tym and Vakh. There the association is represented by subass. C.-L. rumicetosum ucranici Taran 1994 with facies limosellosum aquaticae, physcomitrellosum patentis, salicosum triandro-viminalis, rumicosum ucranici, coleanthosum subtilis and subass. C.-L. coleanthetosum Taran 1994 with facies typicum, callitrichosum palustris, eleocharitosum acicularis, filaginellosum pilularis. The duration of developing cycle of the association stands is about 9-12 weeks and yearly frequency of their successful appearance realized in perfect seed maturation is about 35%. The near mouth internal deltas (shors) of Ob' tributaries are the refugia of Coleanthus subtilis (Poaceae) stationary populations and natural prototypes of Central Europian fish ponds where Coleanthus subtilis have kept safe during many centuries because of extensive “three-year” system of fish pond management. It proposed to declare the near mouth shor in lower reachs of Lar’yogan River as protected territory. It is produced 60 releves of the association stands. Tables 4, bibl. 76 names. |