Phytosociological tables from Gueorgui Taran's papers  

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The most part of the author's papers was written in Russian. However, English versions of phytosociological tables from the author's papers are accessible. Here they are presented as RTF-files compressed by WinZip.
Taran 1993b
Ass. Marisco hamulosi-Crypsietum schoenoidis Taran 1993b (characterizing table, 10 rel.). 16 Kb.
Taran 1995a.pdf
"Syntaxonomy of meadow and fen vegetation of middle Ob’ floodplain (within the limits of Aleksandrovskiy region of Tomsk oblast’)" - complete text + 274 releves. 785 Kb.
Taran 1997a
2 tables: Poplar forests of Ob and Irtysh river basin (differentiating table of the alliance Equiseto hyemalis-Populion nigrae Taran 1997a) and Releves – nomenclatural types of the Equiseto hyemalis-Populion nigrae’s associations and subassociations (9 rel.). 16 Kb.
Taran 1998c
2 tables: Association Spiraeo salicifoliae-Populetum tremulae Taran (51 rel.). 32 Kb.
Taran 1998d
Most widespread swamp meadow associations of the Elizarovskiy zakanik, lower Ob river (synoptic table). 16 Kb.
Taran 1998e
Association Cypero-Limoselletum (Oberd. 1957) Korneck 1960 from the floodplains of the lower Ob river and lower Irtysh river (8 rel.). 16 Kb.
Taran 1999
3 tables: Ass. Salicetum triandro-viminalis Lohm. 1952, Salicetum dasycladi Taran 1993 and Phalaroido-Salicetum albae Denisova ex Taran 1999 (61 rel.). 32 Kb.
Taran 2000a
Most widespread swamp meadow and fen assotiations of the Elizarovskiy zakanik east part (synoptic table). 16 Kb.
Taran 2001a
Taran G.S. (2001) Association Cypero-Limoselletum (Oberd. 1957) Korneck 1960 (Isoeto-Nanojuncetea) in the middle Ob' river floodplain (the reprint as PDF-file, 652 Kb).

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