NAME: Georgy S. TARAN / Gueorgui S. TARAN
STATUS: PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences), senjor research scientist of
West Siberian Branch of V.N.Sukachev Institute of Forest of SB RAS.
ADDRESS: Ul. Zhukovskogo, 100/1, Novosibirsk 630082
Phone: +7 383 2273330
Fax: +7 383 2273330
1984-1989 - Tomsk State University (biology), MSc thesis Middle Ob' floodplain vegetation and its spatial structure.
1996 - Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, Novosibirsk (Russia). PhD thesis Flora and vegetation of middle Ob' floodplain (within the limits of Aleksandrovskiy region of Tomsk oblast).
2000-2001 - Visiting scholar in Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
1983 - 2003: Laboratory of Ecology and Geobotany, Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, Novosibirsk (Russia).
2001 - 2004: Remote Sensing Laboratory of
Ugra Research Institute of Information Technologies, Khanty-Mansiysk (Russia).
2005 - present: West Siberian Branch of V.N.Sukachev Institute of Forest of SB RAS.
Flora and vegetation of Ob' and Irtysh river basin floodplains. Syntaxonomy, succession dynamics and spatial structure of the floodplain vegetation. Distribution and ecology of rare species and plant communities for Red and Green Books. Projecting and investigation of reserved natural territories. Mapping of floodplain vegetation.
1983-1985 - Mountain Altai (Russia), the investigation of steppe, meadow, forest and mountain tundra vegetation.
1986-1991 - Middle Ob' River (Tomsk oblast, Russia).
1991-1996 - Upper Ob' River and its tributaries Biya, Katun, Chumysh, Charysh, Aley (Novosibirsk oblast, Altai kraj, Russia). Middle Irtysh River and Black Irtysh River (Semipalatinsk oblast and East Kazakhstanian oblast, Kazakhstan Republic).
1997-1998 - Lower Ob' River and Lower Irtysh River (Khanty-Mansiyskiy autonomous region, Tyumen oblast, Russia).
1999 - Middle Ob' River (Khanty-Mansiyskiy autonomous region, Tyumen oblast, Russia).
2000 - Hirose River (Sendai, Japan).
2002-2003 - floodplains of lower Irtysh river (near Khanty-Mansiysk town) and middle Ob' river (near Surgut city).
2004 - floodplain of lower Irtysh river in the limits of Tobolskiy and Uvatskiy districts of Tyumenskaya oblast. Delta of Volga river (Astrakhan city and Astrakhanskiy state reserve).
2006-2007 - floodplain of the upper Ob river.
1986-2000 - In total investigation subjects of the Laboratory, the author was current the section Plant cover of Ob' and Irtysh river basin. He took part in the realization of the Laboratorys main projects: Plant cover of Siberia and its human impacted changes (1986-1990), Elaboration of remote assessment methods of state and dynamics of Siberian oil-and-gas regions natural environment (1986-1990), West Siberian vegetation and its structural and dynamic organisation (1991-1993), Green Book of Siberia (1993-1995), Plant cover biodiversity assessment of West Siberia, Altai and Sayany Mountains (1994-1996), Methodic elaboration and compilation of ecologic and phytocoenotic map of West and Middle Siberia south (1996-1998), Rare and subject to preservation plant communities of Novosibirsk oblast (1997), Methodological elaboration of biodiversity and spatial organisation assessment of West and Middle Siberia south plant cover, its monographical characterization (1999-2000).
1997-2000 - Leader of investigation project of Khanty-Mansiyskiy autonomous region Ecological fund Flora and vegetation of Elizarovskiy zakaznik.
1. The creating of total ecofloristic classification of Ob' floodplain vegetation in middle taiga zone limits.
2. The creating of the classification of Ob' and Irtysh basin poplar forests (alliance Equiseto hyemalis-Populion nigrae Taran 1997a, class Salicetea purpureae).
3. Isoeto-Nanojuncetea communities were first discovered and studied in West Siberia and then viewed for the former USSR territory.
4. Detailed study of the Elizarovskiy zakaznik territory, lower Ob' river (1997-1998).
5. On development of B.Yurtsevs idea about species activity, new quantitative appraisal method of landscape species activity was offered (Taran 1996a, 2005a).
6. Detailed study of Ob' river floodplain vegetation near Surgut city (1999-2003).
The author has 52 publications about plant cover of Ob' and Irtysh basin floodplains including 1 personal monograph, 4 collective monographs and 35 papers.
1984-present: Russian Botanical Society (Russia)
1994-present: Moscow Society of Nature Testers (Russia)
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Phytosociological tables from the author's papers